2016 Federal Budget updates

May 24, 2015

Small Business Tax Deductions

Please note the following Budget Announcements 2016;

Small Businesses, Tax Deductions…

Federal Government Announced the following Announcements in this years Budget and they are favorable to Small Businesses.

Small Businesses, Tax Deductions and they may buy Now Business Equipment up to $20,000 (per Item), and If they buy before June 30th Claim this years, Tax Return.   This will be a Real Help to Small Business getting equipped well with the new Equipment with less hassle and more piece of Mind and this continue until 30 June 2017.

Another Tax Concession to the Small Businesses;

Federal Government Tax Package for Small Businesseses includes a 1.5% tax cut  for small companies.  There is also 5% tax cut for small businesses operating Partnership, soletrader or Trusts effective from 1 July 2015 .

For more information contact us,  https://bteaccountingservices.com.au

or your Tax Advise Expert/Tax Accountants