Time is Running out…

BTE ACCOUNTING SERVICES·WEDNESDAY, 31 MAY 2017 Time is running out, don’t miss out on the $20,000 instant asset write-off and this is a big plus for small businesses. The 2015 budget news of a $20,000 asset write-off for small business, and it continued for next...

2016 Federal Budget updates

Small Business Tax Deductions Please note the following Budget Announcements 2016; Small Businesses, Tax Deductions… Federal Government Announced the following Announcements in this years Budget and they are favorable to Small Businesses. Small Businesses, Tax...

No More Paper

From 1 July 2014, No more Paper returns will be sent by the ATO, as all Activity Statements need to be Lodged Online….. All Small & Medium size Enterprises need to be ready to face these new Challenges or contact your BAS agents or Tax Agents....


The Government has announced that it will “better target work related self-education expense deductions” by introducing an annual cap on deductions for such expenses from 1 July 2014 of $2,000 a person. Education expenses include formal qualifications and associated...